Not surprisingly with a revolutionary product like Ballet Insulated, you had a few questions.
Q: Why can't I see the insulation?

A: Our EPP insulator in its pure form is transparent. Although we have experimented with adding coloring, we find that such foreign matter interferes with the excellent adherence of the insulator to the needle. Actually, if you hold the needle up to the light next to a regular stainless steel Ballet, you will see a difference in the color of the shaft of the Insulated needle. The insulation doesn't reflect the light, so it appears slightly gray.
Q: Normally, I've paid $3.00 or more for an insulated needle. How can Ballet be as good as such expensive probes?
A: We have invested significantly in automating our production process, and we've passed the savings of this automated manufacturing on to you. Also, because Ballet is sold worldwide, we produce in larger volumes, and that helps to reduce costs.
Q: With other insulated needles I have had the problem of the insulation flaking off. How durable is Ballet Insulated?
A: Extensive testing has shown that Ballet's EPP insulation will stand up to the heat of thermolysis and the lye of galvanic for even the longest treatment. With a fresh sterile disposable Ballet insulated needle for each treatment, you can be sure that the insulation will be perfect.
Q: I get such smooth insertions with Ballet Insulated. Why?
A: Our EPP insulation insulates as well as teflon, at less than one tenth the thickness. EPP is only one micron thick. This makes for very smooth insertions- smoother than was previously possible with an insulated needle. Also, if you haven't tried Ballet Insulated probes, or Ballet Gold or Stainless Steel, please give us a call. Your free samples will be off to you the same day.
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