When an electrologist works closely with a dermatologist, who benefits?
Both do!

A well trained electrologist may spot conditions among her clients that need the attention of a doctor; and a good dermatologist understands that sometimes a patient's complaint can be resolved effectively by electrolysis alone - without the need for more invasive treatment.
I am surprised by the number of electrologists who haven't established a strong working relationship with a dermatologist. Some doctors actively look for such an association; they are only too glad to hear from forward-thinking electrologists.
Maureen Schantz has certainly benefited from this kind of cooperation. She has worked within a doctor's office one day a week, and also in her own professional premises in Virginia, where she has multiple electrologists working for her. As you will see in the interview we had with her, she has a wonderful relationship with a group of doctors. In fact, 50% of the clients she sees at the doctor's office come to her as a result of an MD's referral.
If you aren't now working with a doctor, may we suggest that you give this some thought? The advantages are many for you, for the doctor, and most importantly, for your clients!
Thanks for reading,
Jim and Sara
Q: Half of your clients at the doctors' office are referrals?
A: Yes! My dermatologist partners recognize that I can best solve a lot of their patients' problems: women who tweeze excessively and therefore get breakouts; ingrown hairs; hair that grows sideways and irritates men when they shave; and men's neck hairs.
Q: And you send clients back to them?
A: Occasionally I spot a mole or other growth and I recommend that a client have it looked at. But mostly I send people over for Lidocaine shots. Then my clients end up becoming the dermatologists' patients for other matters.
Q: You favor anesthetics?
A: Lidocaine is great. It makes electrolysis such quick and painless work, especially in the bikini area. Otherwise, I have to "treat a hair, rest a second, treat a hair, rest a second." With a local I can work faster and at higher settings. Overall, clients save time and money even though they have to pay for the anesthetic.
Q: How did you start working with dermatologists?
A: They contacted me. Three MD's were expanding their offices and they put in a room for an electrologist. One of the doctors was from California and has a specialty in cosmetic dermatology. He said that dermatologists often work closely with electrologists there.
I treat some clients in the doctor's office and some in my own place - whichever office is easier to get to for the patient.
Q: How should an electrologist approach a dermatologist to set up a relationship?
A: Too many electrologists feel that MD's are unapproachable. I think that the best way to break the ice is via anesthetic treatments. Approach a group of doctors and propose that they give Lidocaine on a regular basis to your patients who would benefit from it. And explain what you can do for their patients. Even show them this interview!
My doctors have seen the results of my treatments. They say to their patients "This really works; it will help."
Q: Are there other advantages to this kind of cooperation?
A: A dermatologist's referral gives clients confidence in electrolysis. Many clients have said to me, "I would never have come without a referral from a doctor." How grateful these people are for a good referral.
People are much more trusting while working with me in a doctor's office.
In a medical environment, if I say something will work, they believe it.
Thank you, Maureen
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