As a new Board member of the Electrolysis Association of North Carolina (EANC) and with a thriving home business in Peak Electrolysis, Stacy Miller has built her own #BestLife.
Stacy, why did you choose to become an electrologist?
My main objective in choosing to become an electrologist was to help women feel better about themselves. This was why I started on my own electrolysis journey when I was younger, and now I find that 95% of my clients are women who have the same goal for themselves.
As a young woman, I tried many traditional careers- even working for a U.S. Congressman in D.C. However, I never found these office jobs to be satisfying. When my children started school, I wanted to invest in a career that I would really enjoy, and I remembered the positive feelings I had when I received electrolysis years before.

When Mary Evangelista from the Electrology Institute of New England came to NC to present at a meeting of the Electrolysis Association of NC (EANC), I became excited about the profession. Mary introduced me to Tina Laflamme of Fayetteville, and Tina became an important mentor, taking me under her wing and showing me the ropes of how to make a home office work.
Any regrets on the choice?
No, I have so much fun! I love the people that come into my office. I’ve met so many different people and I really enjoy the rapport we build through the course of treatments. People come to electrologists because we can help them get rid of unwanted hair; and as electrologists help them, we become like a team working toward the goal of them feeling more comfortable in their own skin.
You run your business from home. What are the advantages and disadvantages of running an office from home?
Obviously, the convenience of having your office as a part of your home allows for terrific flexibility, being able to seamlessly juggle time for family needs with appointment times. The downside of this flexibility can be that it is too easy to fit in ‘just one more’ appointment and can lead to a lack of balance. When I was first starting out, I felt obligated to take any work that came my way. But just this year, I’ve stopped working on Saturdays. Now that I’m more established, I’m able to set these kinds of boundaries.
How do you address safety concerns with having an office located inside your family’s home?
Unfortunately, there isn’t much official guidance out there. I was grateful to my mentor Tina Laflamme for helping me to navigate these issues, and I have developed my own strategies to address potential problems. Common sense and trusting your instincts are very important. If something doesn’t feel right; don’t do it. I’m glad to say that all of my clients to date have been wonderful people, and I have yet to have an uncomfortable situation arise.
For electrologists who are considering working from home, I’d encourage them to consult with the following: experienced practitioners who have made a home office a success, your local law enforcement agency, and your insurance provider.
You’ve mentioned Tina Laflamme a few times. What has it meant to you to have a mentor?
I would recommend to all new electrologists to reach out and create a relationship with an experienced electrologist. Tina’s mentorship was deeply influential for helping me understand the nuts and bolts of my business needs when I was starting out. Additionally, one of my clients introduced me to her aunt who lives in Texas. We developed a phone relationship, and she was a great source of information and advice during the earlier years of my electrology practice. Which goes to show you: your mentor doesn’t have to be someone who lives close by; remote relationships can be just as valuable!
When you describe your life and work, I get the sense that you have made a series of conscious, strategic decisions to build a #BestLife for yourself and your family.
I feel especially fortunate to be living in North Carolina. I love living in a state with easy access to both mountains and the ocean.
And, I am currently a member of both the Electrology Association of North Carolina (EANC) and the Greater Piedmont Electrolysis Association. I was helping to line up a speaker to discuss office safety for the April seminar for Greater Piedmont in 2019 when everything shut down for Covid. I am looking forward to getting back in touch with fellow electrologists and attending in person CEU seminars again!
We know that you use Ballet electrolysis needles in your office. Why do you prefer Ballet probes for your work?
I was introduced to Ballet probes while in school at the Electrology Institute of New England. The size 3 Insulated probe is my go-to probe. I appreciate the wide range of sizes - I have Ballet Insulated probes in sizes 2, 4, and 5 in my arsenal for battling hairs with thermolysis. When I use blend, I have utilized up to a 6G. Those were some tough hairs!
One last thing: if you had a megaphone for your thoughts, how would you use it?
I would create a Public Service Announcement telling women and girls to “STOP THE TWEEZING”! So many of my clients come to me after tweezing their chins and upper lips- they don’t realize that tweezing in these areas stimulates hormones and creates additional unwanted hair growth! The beauty industry continues to promote tweezing as an option for unwanted hair growth, and by doing so, perpetuates bad advice. Spread the word: STOP THE TWEEZING!
If you would like to be highlighted by Synoptic Products as an Electrologist of the Month, please get in touch! We love to recognize successful electrologists throughout North America. Send your request to info @
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