As many of you have probably seen in Henry's recent post from Ballet, “Over the past year Ballet’s costs of manufacturing have increased by 97%. The same forces many of you face in your businesses drove this rise: supply chain disruptions from geopolitics.” Due to these dramatic increases in their costs, as of December 2024, Ballet suddenly increased pricing to their global distributors by over 50%. At Synoptic Products, we spent the month of December determining if there was any way we could absorb these increases.
Unfortunately, the reality is that we can't afford to do so. As a result, prices for Ballet probes will increase similarly for all US and Canadian customers, effective immediately.
As many of you are aware, here Synoptic Products we work tirelessly to support electrologists. While our prices must go up, our support of electrologists will not change, and we look forward to continuing to support the amazing work that you do. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we manage these tumultuous times.
Sara Paisner
Synoptic Products
January 8, 2025

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